Bella Avanti

Bella avanti
deja que esta bella luna
refleje tu esencia en mi
que mis noches se llenen de ti
donde mis tentaciones sean duda
de lo que acaecerá en lustro venideros
siendo mi bella...mi madonna eterna

redime mi espíritu con tus besos etéreos
sacia mi porvenir de crueles enfrentas
pues mi tortuoso sendero de sangre
yace cubierto de flores negras

mas dime si tus noches son mis sueños
cimentados en oscuros duelos
donde bebo a borbotones de tus venas
suave elixir que colma sin reservas
mi angustia y mis penas

Bella avanti
entorna los silencios
de esta mi vida clandestina
y duerme entre mis brazos fríos
ahora eres mi vida...mi existencia.


10 comentarios:

  1. Que bonito Arwen,

    Bella avanti
    entorna los silencios
    de esta mi vida clandestina
    y duerme entre mis brazos fríos
    ahora eres mi vida...mi existencia.

    me gusto mucho especialmente esa parte,

    besotes cielo

  2. Es hermoso, me encanta esa pasión que pones en tus poemas!!!

    Me ha encantado!!!!


  3. =Beautiful blog, I read quite some now, and I love your originality,

    From everything is canvas

  4. Muy bonito, Arwen, una poesía llena de sentimiento y de amargura, me ha encantado, como todo lo que escribes, de maravilla.
    El final, "Ahora eres mi vida...mi existencia", es fenomenal.
    Besos querida amiga, gracías por tan estupenda entrada

  5. Me alegra verte de nuevo por aquí mi querida amiga Arwen. Espero que estés bien y que seas muy feliz :D

    Un fuerte abrazo!!

  6. Muchas gracias por los comentarios a tod@s...un placer colaborar en este hermoso blog...besos eternos.

  7. Essss simplementeee arte escritaaa nada mas buenooo que ello aparte de bberla sangre de un humano

  8. Me gustan tus letras
    me inspiran a crear black m

  9. To: ""

    It has come to my attention that you have made an unauthorized use of my copyrighted Work entitled " Out from Shadows" in the publishing of my personal website:

    I have reserved all rights in the Work, which was first published in August 7 2010 on, with copyright registered to me.
    The advert which appears in your website), is essentially identical to the Work and clearly used the Work as its basis.

    You neither asked for nor received permission to use the Work as the basis for the advert, nor to make or distribute copies of it. Therefore, I believe you have willfully infringed my rights under 17 USC Section 101, et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $100,000.
    Under the copyright law I can demand:
    Compensation and Immediately cease the use and distribution of all infringing works derived from the Work, and all copies of it, and that you deliver to me all unused, undistributed copies of it, or destroy such copies immediately, and that you desist from this or any other infringement of my rights in the future.

    Your company did not notify me, we did not sign any contracts, and I have not been paid for the use of my work.
    I am asking you to delete this unauthorised copy of my work, and any others you may have.
    If I have not received an affirmative response from you in two weeks, I shall consider taking the full legal remedies available to rectify this situation.


    Paula Verónica Busto Courtois

    1. Si imagen ha sido eliminada en cuanto he recibido su queja.

      Disculpe el malentendido.

      Un saludo.


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